Cold Wave Expected Nationwide Tomorrow
A disease wave is no doubt going to make sense of the country from Dec 8 
as snowfall is commonplace in Murree and other uneven districts and tempest 
is probably going to lash upper pieces of the nation and focal areas of Punjab.

The Pakistan Meteoro­logical Division has said that the disease wave/ice 
conditions are possible in the country during the week. Storm wind/hurricane 
(snowfall over inclines) is also expected to make waves all through town 
bits of the country.

The PMD said that a westerly wave is probable going to influence the upper 
pieces of the country from Dec 7. Influenced by this climate framework, 
a disease wave is probably going to affect most pieces of the country from 
Dec 8 to 14. Influenced by these contamination wave conditions, 
a huge lessening in constantly temperatures is normal.

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